Free Dulcimer Tablatures

These individual tabs for the mountain dulcimer are provided to you free of charge.

Each tablature below is also rated as to the level of difficulty.
"BEG" Beginner - for those of you just starting out with the dulcimer.
"INT" Intermediate - you should already know your way around the dulcimer fairly well.
"ADV" Advanced - for those who have been playing a while and want a real challenge.

Copyright Notice: All the songs chosen for these tabs are in the public domain, or have a copyright owned by Mark Tindle. You are free to copy, print, or transfer these files as you wish solely for the purpose of your own use. If you plan to share any of these tabs for a workshop at a dulcimer club meeting or event, please email us to request permission to reproduce in quantity. You are not permitted to print and distribute copies of these tabs for any monetary amount.

Tindle Music Company

Tulsa, OK - 918.688.6790 -